Kruse gets drunk.
Yesterday, after updating, I pretty much did nothing but cerveza. Chatted with hotel owner and worker/guest/french-guy. Met norwegian couple, tried to watch famous Juangriego sunset, but cloudy. Dinner with the norse. Back to bar where I was drinking the other night – more cerveza with old french lady. Then – onto Maria’s bar. More cerveza, with french lady, Maria, guy wearing rasta hat, and tall white guy. Pretty much a cerveza day.
Today – hungover. Went back to beach from couple days back. More concerted effort to follow coast around, trying to find next beach. Mucho time, sharp rocks, pain, etc later – I turn back. Some swimming at actual beach. Then, I watch a Euro couple leave their deckchairs under umbrella thing for a swim. Tentatively go in knee-deep, and stay there. I decide to show them, and the locals, some bellyflop bombs.
Met the bar owner on the way back to hotel – and received a compliment on my sunburn. Some relaxing cervezas, and watching the french guy’s kid (3-ish?) run around. Drew me a picture/scribble. Little well travelled multi-lingual curly blonde kid with eyelashes is going to do very well with the ladies in 15 years time.
Another failed sunset. Clouds. Juangriego, famous for it’s sunsets and consistently sunny weather, has really let me down. Plan for tomorrow is to go the island’s big smoke, Porlamar, hire a scooter, and go to undeveloped western half of island. Maybe sleep on beach. Will see how driving scooter with backpack goes. Otherwise – probably another night here. Have got to the stage where everytime I walk around town, I have to stop to chat with somebody I ‘know’.