11 May – Georgia – Azerbaijan, 186 miles
Leaving Georgia was easier than getting in… Georgia border-control – only about an hour, Azerbaijan – about 2 hours.
Group photo on the Georgian side of the border, where some wit ordered a large road sign erected, proclaiming “Azerbaijan Border. Good luck.”
And then into Azerbaijan – where my “Giant Flag count” rose to two within the first two towns (said it before, I’ll say it again – I love giant flags… they’re just so ridiculous); the initial impression was that the roads were much better quality, and then after about 10 miles – realised that no… roads were even worse… constant pot-hole dodging (in addition to the cow-dodging, and dog-dodging, etc).
And, when we got to our hotel in Sheki… I find my room is literally double the size of my apartment in London.

Go Kruse! Best of luck!