My German fortune cookie: “You are quite organized in your business relations”
(I opened/read that, while sitting on my couch, in my pants (in the english sense of the word), trying to work – struggling because of what I suspect is a broken finger – from being what I believe is referred to as “falling down drunk” last night.)
Anyway – yeah, ummm… went to Germany last week, for a spot of work. I felt like I wasted my and everybody else’s time… but apparently the folks were pleased. Didn’t see much of the country – staying in an apartment on the office ‘campus’ – 30 minute walk to the local village, Kronberg. Spent Friday night in Frankfurt itself, had a wee look around on Saturday before flying home. Good market, Frankfurt. With yerba mate, chocolate covered coffee beans, wasabi peas, and fish from New Zealand, apparently -and a free gift of stereotype-affirming fortune cookie.
Other stereotypical things I checked off…. schnitzel, frankfurters, beer. green sauce, sauerkraut.