17 Oct – arrived in Lago Agrio in the morning, and we’re met by some chap who reckons he’s the company we’ve booked the trip with. He take us to a cafe, orders us breakfast, takes our money, and disappears. A couple of hours later he returns. Eventually we head off. Three or so hours later, we arrive at the entrance to the Cuyabeno National Park. Then, a boat down the river. Ben & I are wearing our suits. And it rains. Rains a lot. Then, our chap pulls out a bottle of ron. Drinking ron in torrential rain while wearing suits – it was a little bit surreal.
Two hours of boat ride, and then we arrived at our jungle lodge. And the motor boat leaves. Only method of transport now is a canoe we have to paddle ourselves. In the afternoon, we just paddled out, and had a bit of a swim. Something touched me while swimming. Twice. Have decided to assume it was a river dolphin.
Then – night time. Meet the french couple who’d arrived the previous day – and their guide. Who will be our guide also, starting tomorrow. Our chap is actually the owner – and will leave tomorrow. We drink whisky. And ron. Go to bed – and find the largest cockroach in the world.
18 Oct – we’re supposed to get up early for a bit of a canoe trip – looking at birds and dolphins or something. Ben & I sleep in – and the guide is actually unable to wake us. When we do wake up, it is decided to apply some fake tan. Ben & I have had a bottle each of fake tan since La Paz. Both of us had independently decided that it would be necessary in the jungle – and had therefore packed it. We used one entire bottle in one application. French couple don’t really seem to know what to think. Breakfast time, and then we go for a walk in the jungle. Tarantulas, mini frogs, and stuff. Then, lots of rain. Lots and lots of rain. Then, waiting for the guide’s son (the cook) to pick us up in the canoe. One or two hours go by. The guide grabs a plank of wood, wades into the river, then uses it as a flutterboard. While wearing gumboots. Another hour while he gets to the lodge, and returns. Lunch – then I have a nap. Still very very tired. Piranha fishing. The guide catches a couple, and the french guy one. I choose not to. Return to lodge, then dinner time. Piranhas. Yum. Then – walked through jungle after dark. More creepy crawly things.
19 Oct – we’re all supposed to get up early again. But – it doesn’t happen. The french leave, and then Ben, Scottish Emily, and myself go looking for anacondas. Spend quite some time – then find one. Good spotting by Kruse. An anaconda is big. And cool. Then, piranha fishing. This time I catch a couple – but they’re red piranhas. Smaller – and not good for eating. Ben even catches one. One of mine came off the hook itself inside the boat – causing Ben to shriek like a girl. Lunch. Some swimming. Dinner. Whisky.
20 Oct – our last breakfast – then the motorboat arrives. We get in, and head off. Much rain again. Pick up some people from another lodge – then two more hours of sitting in a boat, in torrential rain. Back to the park entrance – then onto a bus to Lago Agrio. Then, to a restaurant for lunch. Capybara, boa constrictor, and turtle. Turtle is very yum. Then, we catch a bus back to Quito. Back to our hostel.
So – that was the jungle trip. And then the whole Quito nonsense started all over again. A hostel with three free Rum&Coke nights a week is not good. Not good.