Am drunk in Santiago. Arrived here stupidly early this morning 09 Aug. Stalled. Managed to arrive at hostel, after much slow travelling. Booked dorm bed for tonight, double room for tomorrow. Cold in Santiago. Vans and cars with snow on roof. Assume they’re rich people from the hills. Walk, find cafe. Order tea, get coffee. Drink, walk more. Order ham&cheese with tea, get ham&cheese and bread buns and tea. Sweet. Go shopping, then buy some cream liquer and back to hostel. TV and some “cremisse” – because it’s bloody cold outside. But a 600ml bottle of milky boozy doesn’t last long. So, back to store, and a couple of bottles of red wine. Have been chatting to american. Am starting to regret it. Get back, drink my wine. And start to feel drunk. Listening to the conversation of young people who are at end of 35 day organised tour may have helped. I understand organised tours, but don’t understand 20-something people who think they-ve just “rocked” South America after seeing 5 countries in 35 days in a truck. But, to be fair, on another very similar tour – they ‘lost’ somebody. Really. Guy went for a wander from campground, never came back. Lost.
Anyway, sat on couch, listened to some interesting stuff like people getting lost. Listened to some awful boring crap, like rumours of people getting lost. And myself getting drawn into conversations about serious stuff. Boring.