Across Georgia

09 May – Georgia, 183 miles

A relatively short day, riding across Georgia to reach Tbilisi – where we have a “day off” tomorrow.
There was one little side-trip, to the town of Gori – which has an inordinate amount of pride in being the birthplace of Stalin. A very large “Stalin Museum”, and his childhood house has had what is pretty much a shrine built around it. I didn’t notice, but others commented on there being fresh flowers laid at the feet of one of his statues also… so it’s an ongoing point of pride. Odd.
Also rode through the oldest town in Georgia – Mtskheta – another UNESCO listed site – but I was looking for a single touristy point to stop, which I couldn’t find – and found myself back on the motorway… whereas I know realise the entire existing town is the “attraction”. Oh well – I guess it means I got to the hotel a little earlier, and can go drink some beers in the sun.

Not really any photos taken today, other than a couple of average ones from Stalin Museum. But with the day off tomorrow, I should get a chance to wander around Tbilisi, do some final shopping before entering the “‘Stans”, and probably a facebook post with a selection of full-quality photos from Turkey.

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