
Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants. – Geraldo Rivera

Winter is nature’s way of saying, Up yours. – Robert Byrne

I never minded winter too much before.  Before this.  Although, to be fair, it has been quite some time since I really saw a full winter.  Two years, I guess.  Anyway – I don’t like this one.  I’ve been holding out – not wearing my full arsenal of clothing – until today.  Today I decided it was officially winter, and I was allowed to wear everything.  T-shirt under business shirt, under suit jacket, and then a big solid overcoat.  I think that should be enough.  I really really hope I don’t have to start considering wearing my merino under-garments as well.

But, enough exciting chat about the weather.  On to the staple of my updates – what’s been happening regarding the ‘social’ scene recently.  Well – with winter, comes winter sports.  Which means the rugby is in town.  Last weekend I hosted an extravaganza.  Election results coming in in the morning, followed by snacks and chit-chat, (oh – and I checked the league results once in a while) – leading into a roast lunch – followed by more chit-chat, and watching various rugby games.  Then – got all dressed up, and off to Chook’s for a party.  Which was pleasant.

Next day – snuck out of Chooks – and got home.  Just in time for my boss to call, asking me to do some work.  Sure – why not?  Did some work.  Then slept.  Then woke up – and went to the Local.  The locals at my Local were rather impressed the previous night by a dapper kiwi in a red suit.  Tonight – they were impressed by a dishevelled kiwi in jandals.  And then bare-feet.  Again – this was apparently the last night, ever, of the Local.  So – it was a fairly big one.  I got to go behind the bar to pour myself a Guinness.  Not once, but a few times.  That was pretty sweet.  But – eventually, the toll of the previous day caught up with me – and I slunk off home.  Despite promising myself that I’d work from home the next day – I just couldn’t stay awake any longer.  And in the morning, changed my mind – and rushed off to work.  Regretted it once I got there, of course, but – oh well.

Oh – and reaching back into the depths of my memory…

Last Tuesday a few of us went to see The Black Seeds.  The highlight of that evening was chatting to Barnaby Weir (lead singer) at the pub we were meeting at beforehand.  And old friend of Justin’s, you see.  And then Martin, who wasn’t aware of who he was – chatting with us as well.  I’m fairly sure I heard Marty ask Barnaby Do you know who the singer is for these guys, and who’s opening?  Barnaby, I’m not sure intentionally or not, just talked about the opening act.  I quietly chuckled.

And the previous weekend – I got up all early to go to a bar to watch NZ vs Australia.  Bar was closed – so all the way back home to watch it on dubious quality internet site.  Still – my favourite website during this sports season.  Every sport, free, on the internet.  Hurrah for internet.  Huzzah for nerds.  No need for nerds for the Englad vs NZ game though.  Oh no.  Well, hopefully.

Right – I should head off now.  Am on call – so have to get to the pool hall to get as many games in before I get called up, and have to leave.

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