Still unemployed. But, to break up the routine, had another large weekend. Just proving to these locals that the myth of “it’s impossible to do an all-nighter in London” is just that… a myth. This time, Friday evening, it was Cazz’s leaving drinks. Drinks, and then dinner. At the same chinese restaurant as the previous weekend. Maybe the food there is to blame. And then, a couple of drinks at the pretend-dodgy italian bar. Maybe the drinks there are to blame. In any case – myself, Chook, and John&Mel had a few beers at the Italian bar. And then everybody started falling asleep – so we headed towards buses. John & Mel took off, just as Chook found a second wind.
So, we found a casino. And I got a nice little membership card claiming that I’m a gambler. Little did they know that it was all a trick, and I’m just a drinker. So – Chook & I sat at the bar for some time having various drinks. Then we met some kiwi chap, and went to breakfast with him. Back to his house for a couple of beers – and then Chook started falling asleep again. And the kiwi bloke was on the phone to his girlfriend. Not sure if she was too happy about it – seeing as it was 6 or 7am. So – everybody headed their different ways. Me – I managed to get a bus or train or something back home – and arrived just in time to fall asleep as people were awaking.
Couple of hours sleep – and then I was up to help entertain James Littlejohn visiting us. Chit-chat, and what-not, dinner, drinks, and all that. Eventually – an attempt at getting proper sleep.
That was nearly a week ago, I guess. And nothing has happened since then. I’ve found heaps of things I want to buy. But I haven’t found heaps of jobs to help me pay for the things. So – I’m just steadily piling up a list of stuff to buy when I have cash.