So – nearly halfway through April. Still very little sign of ‘Spring’ – and temperatures are still lower here than in Wellington, every day. And – the whole eating of lamb thing – going well. Well as something so inherently ridiculous can really go, anyway. I am starting to resent the entire Thai people for never getting into lamb. It’s been less than two weeks, and I really miss Thai food. And very few places near work have lamb as an option. None of the ‘gastro-pubs’ anyway, which is probably saving me a fair bit of money.
The only other news is that we have a Katie staying with us. So – conversations have become much more tangential, and our normal dynamic of “the last person to enter the room gets solid abuse by the other two” has changed, ever so slightly.
And now it’s time for my customary “and that’s about all I’ve been doing – working, nothing, working, nothing” line.
And with that in mind, I’ve been thinking of changing the format of this whole thing for quite some time. I believe in my very first post – I alluded to the inevitability that this would devolve into a blow-by-blow account of my mundane life – despite best efforts to the contrary. Well – I finally have a functioning portable personal laptop (fully nerded out with Linux) – and therefore should be able to and inclined to spend some time working online (trying to adapt to non-Windows). Therefore, I will make an effort to write more stuff which is either “twitter-style”, ie: short sharp and potentially witty – and longer ‘essay’ pieces, most likely complaining about something. One which has been simmering for a long long time is Snakes. I have several things I’d like to say about Snakes. So – I assume you are now waiting with baited breath. Sucker.