Hungover. For the first time in a very very long time. Just learnt that I live in a guild-infested conspiracy nest.
And… I really do need some suggestions on which bike to buy. My current train of thought is a relatively small engine… somewhere around the 600cc size, and pretty cheap – thinking I’ll upscale when I’m ready to do a bit of a tour around Europe (or the world). Also – I seem to have a ‘thing’ against the ubiquitous Honda/Suzuki/Kawasaki – although I’d be happy to be talked out of that. And I’m also thinking I’ll pay the overhead to buy from a dealer… so I’ve got somebody to go back to if there’s issues. So… current potentials…
- Old school Triumph – bigger engine, but it doesn’t look too powerful, so it can’t be… right?
- Little Ducati Monster Dark – I’m a little intrigued by this one, seems rather small – not as practical as others… but looks fun
- Old school Motoguzzi – I’ve been hooked by blue motorcycles after I saw one on the way back from my final license test. But this one – also the ‘classic’ styles…
- Triumph Trident… again, steering away from the ‘sports’ style…
- Triumph TT – a more sporty one – although superficial, I’m not sure on the yellow
- And another Triumph – the Speed this time
So – any thoughts? Anybody? I really could do with some advice… it’s decisions like this where my indecisiveness/fence-sitting really kill me. I’ve already thought of excuses to put this decision off for weeks. And I also know… I need to buy from somewhere which has some choices… as once I go somewhere to look at/try a bike – I’m going to buy something… I’m not going to shop around.
Help! Somebody decide for me.
Oh – and there is a new comment on my rant about snakes… with approximately the same mind-bending use of the english language as “evan smith”‘s. An entry claiming to be from “facebook sluts110″ – which on first read appears to be a job offer, but with a link which leads to a Tumblr page teaching “The ultimate way to Be Successfully facebook of sex Single”. And just try reading what the ultimate way is. I can’t get past the heading without my head hurting. I believe this kind of thing would normally be prevented by the Junk/Spam filter, but I can’t bear to condemn this one. It’s just the perfect level of random crazy. I particularly like the juxtaposition within point/suggestion #6… one sentence starting with “Getting facebook sluts…”, followed by one commencing “Prepare brownies together with the kids…”