
Two weeks gone, and nothing to show for it.

Have tried to settle into a routine, but that got a little put out of shape when I broke stuff.  My attempt at cluttering my already very small apartment with a home-gym failed when I proved too strong for my cheap equipment.  But – rather than wait for replacement parts – I’ve gone and ordered new stuff.  So soon I’ll have two rowing machines in my flat.

Living like a hermit seems to have driven me to just buy stuff.  Need to get out of that.  I’ve also added to my collection of diving equipment.  ‘Cause I’m a diver.  Just need to do some diving now, so I don’t look like some kind of poseur.  As if.

And in other news – it seems like my lengthy explanation of why a fear of snakes is perfectly rational – has turned what was originally a healthy and slightly exaggerated fear of snakes into a full-blown phobia.  Although still rational.  Sort-of.  I now find it very difficult to look at a webpage or television/movie screen which features a snake.  A far cry from a couple of years ago, when I allowed one to slither over and around my arm and what-not – and actually considered buying it from the nice Venezualan man when he offered to sell it to me.

And this is why I’m refraining from further rants – regarding things like people walking slowly in the middle of footpaths, or erratically changing position on footpaths without checking behind them, or stopping at the top/bottom of stairs in order to extend their suitcase roller handles, or anything bloody else which would not be tolerated if driving – so why the hell is it when you’re a pedestrian? – because I’m afraid that if I put into writing all the reasoned arguments as to why these people are annoying – my already stronger-than-they-should-be views will evolve into murderous rages.  My heartrate is already increasing at the thought of selfish/spatially-unaware pedestrians.  I don’t need to build this up any more.  Already – despite no longer needing to join rush-hour tubes or trains to/from work – I actually try to avoid the rush-hour of pedestrians.  Not just because of the thoughtless ones – but just being part of that crowd of thousands and thousands of drones on their way to work.  So very, very depressing.  Just now – for perhaps the first time, I realise the allure of farming.  Even being shat on by a cow starts to look good by comparison.

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