
Well, I’ve got a job.  Didn’t want to say anything until I was sure – so waited until today – my second day at work.  Figured that if I still had my job today – after turning up for my first day ridiculously hungover – it’s pretty much a certainty.  Managed to make it a little not so certain though, by turning up late on my second day – due to bloody tube-trouble.

So… it all happened pretty bloody quickly.  Turns out the chaps could overlook my apparent over-seriousness.  Got offered the job on Thursday – for a Monday start.  Sweet – can do.  Bought champagne.  Then, had a social weekend.  Saturday afternoon a few beers at the pub while watching some football game.  Some cup final – but it must have been a shitty cup, coz it was too shitty teams.  Then – off to Chook’s for a party.  Mixed my drinks up real good, and got intoxicated.  Mostly champagne.  And then up in the morning to go to Dom’n’Caro’s for a barbeque.  I turned into an absolute mess on the way there.  Lack of sleep, plus a fair bit of booze piled up on top of what was still lurking in my system from last night… and I was a messy mess.  Don’t think I did or said anything too silly.  Except staying a bit longer than sensible.  So – got back to Stratford, Sunday evening – unable to unlock the front door.  12 hours to get myself together for first day at work.

 12 hours – not really enough.  Turned up at 10:30, barely able to think, talk, or stay awake.  And the fun begins.

 Anyway – details for my job.  Not gonna give you any, cause it’s all boring.  A small company which is a ‘managed service provider’, which of course does consultancy as well.  So – what one used to call an IT outsourcing company – before that became a bad word.  I do like wanky business jargon.  When a “silo of knowledge” is bad, but a “tower of excellence” is good.  I guess I’m going to have to learn all the terms which have been invented over the last year.  I’ve already picked up “bespoke”.  Not happy about it, but I know it.

Oh well – back to work.  Need to get some money so I can get a place to stay much much closer.  No more tube.

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