
My fortune cookie told me “Your kindred spirit is vodka.” That works on SO many levels. And proves booze is my destiny.

Got boozed up on Saturday night. Pot-luck dinner at James’ place. Pen got boozed too. I considered hinting to her rather early on that maybe she should cut back – but figured it was already too late for that to go any way other than badly. Lose-lose situation really. Oh well – at least she didn’t do anything silly until we’d left James’ place – and couldn’t remember anything in the morning. Myself – had a hangover. Anytime I mix drinks nowadays, it’s badness. Even mixing red wine and white wine. And, I suspect, just different bottles of wine within one colour. I see a New Year’s resolution forming for next year. Along with some others – which I’m considering implementing as Mid Year’s Resolutions…

– Start using a spoon as much as possible, instead of a fork.

– Drink only one type of booze each night.

– One word: Commando.

– Eat breakfast.

And others I can’t remember just now.

Job hunt is still exactly that. Had my first interview last week – via telephone. Got the “no” phone call the next day. Fair enough – it was for a team lead position, and my general dislike of any person who isn’t me might hinder my ability to do that role well. Otherwise – it would’ve been great. In Scotland, at a university. A university which has Nursing as one of it’s three main faculties. (Yes – it’s one of those establishments which has taken advantage of the extreme relaxing of the rules as to what can be called a university.)

So – have spent most of my time making my way through the bookshelf. About to start some Oscar Wilde. Anyone with so many great quotes mustn’t be too bad. I guess I’ll have to try James Joyce at some point – although any book which has a ‘guide’ to accompany and explain it – sounds like hard work.

Anyway – must get back to all the things I have to do. Reading books, thinking of things to research on the internet (went through the history of the Irish ‘Troubles’ last week), and expanding my cuilinary repertoire.  Oh – and after finally repairing my photo album thing, I’ve had to completely restock it.  So – the link to Photos should now work, and I am part way through repopulating the sucka with photos.  Far too much work to do all the captions and what-not.  But, once I’ve uploaded all the photos, and I’ve run out of other projects – that’ll be on the list.

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