
I hate the tube.

My third day at work – I’m sent out to Stanmore for the day.  Well – supposed to be 2 days, but only took one.  Stanmore happens to be on the opposite side of London from where I live.  Awesome – a very long tube ride.  Luckily – I didn’t have to change trains.  Just got on the Jubilee – which starts at Stratford – and stayed on it right until the other end.  No chance of sleeping through my stop.  Still – had to catch the very first train of the day to make it on time.

And then, on Friday – I get told I’m to cover for a guy who’s going on holiday.  Starting after the weekend.  And the guy works on a client site based at Heathrow.  Just as far away as Stanmore.  And no direct line this time – awesome.  So all last week was spent working mostly alone in a windowless room, with a pair of nearly two-hour commutes bookending the day.  And this week starts with the same.  Only one more day of that though.  And then I’ve been sent even further afield.  Portsmouth for two days.  Portsmouth is on the seaside, which would be good.  Except it’s the English seaside – which doesn’t really count, apparently.

And in the boozin’ news…  met up with Randle on Thursday evening.  Which led to the wee hours of Friday morning – and just managing to catch the last tube home.  In time for a couple of hours sleep, and then the commute to Heathrow.  Yep – managed to sleep through my train-switch.  And the weekend – Sports Saturday.  Helped entertain Chook’s little ginga cousin with a sports day on Clapham Common.  Played some futbol, mini-cricket, frisbee, etc.  And then built a barbeque, and ate some burnt food.  Followed by a late-night game of Pictionary – which involved lots of anger, and accusations of cheating.  To be fair, I was cheating continuously.  But – I was cheating to help every team equally, not just my own.  Eventually Chooks little ginga went to bed about 2am – which beat his previous record of bedtime, 11pm.  He was pretty pleased with himself, I gathered.

The tube is hot, sweaty, crowded, smelly, and full of the english.  I hate the tube.  And it looks like a snake.  I hate snakes.  I really really hate snakes.  Not happy about the results of my research into which snakes live in this country.

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