Carpet, Children, Champagne, Camping

Very tired – so in order to prevent myself from rambling – I think it’s time for some chronological bullet points.

  • Worked in India – not as hectic as the first time – but still fairly crazy
  • Stayed on an extra day – in order to have a ‘tourist day’.  Drank too much the night before – got up after one hours sleep – and went off with an english chap, and our hotel driver.  Saw stuff.  Taj Mahal – big and made of marble.  Bought a rug.  Not happy with the fact that I bought a rug – far too grown-up a thing to do.
  • Little Sister has produced a Little Niece.  Well – not so little, a monster from what I hear.  From all accounts – rather a long and drawn-out process, but both came through well in the end.
  • The above led to my drinking champagne.  Drank my pub dry of champagne, in fact – and moved onto the guv’nor’s private stock.
  • And – this weekend just been, went a-camping.  Too much booze, not enough sleep – but a good level of food, fire, music & sun.
  • Now – back in London – very tired.  But without any house keys, cellphone, duvet, or anything else.  Hopefully Chook will be dropping some or all of this stuff off tonight (along with my new horse) – and I can get some sleep.

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