So – it’s been over a month since I last purged the minutae of my life onto this page.  There must be lots to catch up on, right?

Well – all I can think of is that I’ve started trying to see more live music.  But – August was a terrible month to begin – and the only things I managed to see were: Don McGlashan (small venue, but perfect really); The Herbaliser (didn’t know what to expect – but really good show, and amazing venue); The Black Seeds (yet again – but always good, had a few drinks with Barnaby before the show again – so can claim to be one of those “I’m-with-the-band” dicks); and the Wu-Tang Clan (terrible show – but had to do it).  Actually, once I started listing those out – there were more than it feels like.  Some of those must have been in July, and maybe even before the previous post – as I’m sure I haven’t seen anything for weeks.

But – I’m thinking the next update I write will probably consist of a series of reviews.  For I’ve got lined up:

  • Tonight – dinner at The Ivy, followed by Oliver – with Lynette Ward & Her Man
  • Tomorrow – Secret Cinema (look it up on YouTube – the clues I’ve got thus far are that we have to dress as Bedouin – and something about rebellion/uprising.  I’m thinking Dune?) – with Justin, Marty, & the cool kids
  • 8th – Modest Mouse – with Ben, and hopefully 2 others – otherwise I am once again selling tickets at a huge loss to dirty scalpers
  • And then there’s nothing booked until October – and actually, looking at my spreadsheet (yes – I have a spreadsheet) of upcoming gigs, not much interesting happening until October.  What is it with August/September & live music?  Too many festivals – preventing real gigs?

Anyway – that’s all that’s been happening.  Possibility of some travelling soon, but also possibility of work being very demanding, and taking itself far too seriously for my own good.  Publishing “whitepapers” and what-not – including research at a data centre in Farncombe, a much longer commute than normal.  The timing of everything at the moment is terrible.  One project I’ve got on my plate, they keep giving me false-starts – so I cancel any plans making plans of travelling to cater for it, then it gets postponed at the last moment.  Not cool.  And another one which may start at any time – and I definitely want to be available for the start, as it’s a project I want to do.  And yeah, now this whole writing a whitepaper thing – which is rather a priority for the company, and which may mean any request for a week or two off might be prioritised fairly low.  But – we’ll see how we go.

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