What I did on ANZAC Day:

  • Watched american television/movies
  • Drank Italian wine, ate french escargot – all at a british pub named after an english poet

Mitigating factors:

  • When I ordered the wine, I was expecting the Nobilo as per wine list.
  • I’d read an article about the French town of Le Quesnoy – so the escargot thing was kinda justified.  Yeah?
  • I live in England – so don’t really have much choice about going to british/english pubs.  And I will stand by my decision to walk 30 seconds and sit in the sun outside the Shakespeare, rather than tube/walk 15 minutes to stand in a dark/dingy Walkabout.
  • The american movies were (mostly) classics, and the television (mostly) selected high-quality.  Rear Window, however – what up with that?  Supposedly one of the best movies ever.  Yep – pretty sweet movie, and noticeably nice movie-making – even to my naive eye.  But that ending.  Not particularly happy.  Was it forced upon them by the film company?  I realise that this was before the days when movies had to have some kind of ‘question’ being asked, or whatever – but still, the whole thing seemed purpose-built for a look into a voyeuristic society, with symbolism of cameras and what-not through-out.  And then came the twist/not-twist/whatever-that-was.  Dumb.

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