A Quick Stint of Work

I thought the unreasonable amount of rage I felt towards co-workers during my first two days back was due to jet-lag, and would subside once I had settled back into normal routine.  It turns out – my normal routine consists of quite a lot of unreasonable rage towards co-workers.  Add that to the considerable amount of completely reasonable disdain of co-workers, and my normal routine isn’t particularly conducive to good mental health.

So – what I’ve gone and done is just book another excursion.  So – for all of those lucky enough to live in the much better ‘Southern’ hemisphere – here’s some dates when you should allow for activities as varied as: having a bed ready for me to sleep in; cooking dinner for me; organising a venue for a meal and/or social drinks; attending a meal and/or social drinks; visiting me; having meals cooked by me; lazing about; swimming; diving; chit-chat; and other stuff…

  • Saturday 14th May -> Monday 16th May – Sydney.  Probably primarily hanging in/near Pen’s flat in Manly, recovering from lack of sleep.
  • Monday 16th May -> Saturday 28th May – New Zealand.  Primarily hanging in/near Angela’s house in Rotorua.  Probable day-trips (if you’re lucky) to exotic locales such as Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki.  Probably one or two nights in Wellington at the end of this time.  If you’re lucky.
  • Saturday 28th May -> Monday 30th May – Melbourne.  Not really sure – but trying to spend time with any/all people that are interested.  Open to offers of accommodation – bearing previous sentence in mind.

So, yeah – check out that itinerary, and let me know when/where you’ll be around/available – if relevant.

Back here in present (or recent past) -day London… not much happening.  As alluded to in the beginning, I’ve settled back into routine, including work.  And if anything, my holiday way back in March managed to make me more disillusioned by this whole work lark.  But that might be because of the dwindling bank balance.  My money is disappearing – which makes grand ideas of motorbike tours around Europe, train trips to North Korea, back-packer trips through central Asia – all very much pipe dreams at the moment.  I realise that I probably need much much cheaper accommodation, in order to  ‘accommodate’ such aspirations.  And was considering this the other day – but don’t think I’m quite ready to go back to living with other people just yet.  Am still loving being able to open the fridge – and knowing what everything in there is, and how old it is, and that if it’s a half-full container of soup/something – knowing perfectly well that it’s there for a reason, and will have disappeared within the day.  Such simple pleasures.

But enough of my being a hermit.  I have had one social outing – which was the last Sunday of March.  A pleasant enough day – dim-sum/yum-cha on Baker Street (home of that famous druggie Sherlock Holmes).  Followed by a few beverages at a local pub – and then everybody scattered.  All very civilised and what-not.  Hopefully we will be able to repeat this next month.  I have a vague plan of maybe alternating national foods – to make it a bit interesting.  Perhaps a Brazilian churrascaria this month – although it might need a bit of convincing for people on that latest fad diet – ‘Vegetarian’.  Not that I can talk – as I realise I am starving, and look at my lunch.  Tangerines and grapes.  What a poof.

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