Summer’s over

I seem to be becoming very bad at keeping this whole “web presence” thing actively updated.  Perhaps I need a New Year’s Resolution to get things going again.  2015… yeah, next year – everything will be better next year.

Anyway – the last… two months?

Went to Crete.  Rented a bike there, rode around a bit.  Saw a gorge, swum at some beaches, drank some wine, ate some olives, and tzatziki, and lamb – and everything with olive oil, and all that.  Very nice.  On the last day, heading back to house before going to the airport, I decided on one last little “detour via country roads”… and soon became very lost, and testing my offroad/dirt-bike skills.  But, all good.

Ani DiFranco – went to another Ani DiFranco gig, but this time – become one of those people I’ve never understood, just hanging out at the bar talking – not paying attention to gig at all.

Crete Coast
Crete Coast
Tree in middle of road
Tree in middle of the road


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