

So, while India is decided to be too dangerous for cricketers – I fly straight here.  Cause that’s the kind of daredevil I am.  Off the wall.  Crazy.  And all that.

Yep – I’m here in India.  Beautiful, scenic Gurgaon – a satellite city of Delhi.  Beautiful, scenic.  That’s what the description on a website for my hotel says.  “Set in scenic surrounds”.  Hmmm… I think there’s been some kind of language difficulties there.  The hotel’s views, depending on what side you look from – consist of a motorway, a make-shift parking lot for motorcycles, or small barren brown fields.  And further afield doesn’t get much better.  Pretty much just dirty, ugly industrial city – done Indian style.  Reading the information pack in my room – the best thing they could come up with to get one excited about Gurgaon was that it was sometimes called the shopping mall centre of India.  Lots of shopping malls.  That’s the best feature.

But – to be fair – it is within driving distance of stuff.  So – hopefully one day I’ll be able to go see… stuff.  Taj Mahal, Red Fort, …. stuff.  Current plan is that I fly out on Saturday night – and I’m working on Saturday – so current plan means I don’t get to see stuff.  But – it’s sounding more and more likely that I’ll be staying another week – probably two more.  Which could kill me – as I am already exhausted.  I come to a country which is actually warm – very warm – and get a cold.  Possibly something to do with working 15 hours a day, staying up until 4am each night, and skipping meals.  I’m in a hotel with a swimming pool and a bar with free drinks.  Both close at 8pm – and I’m working until after 8pm each night.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.  I think I’m going to get into the habit of leaving the office earlier, and doing some work from the lounge with free booze.  Especially as when the booze isn’t free – it’s expensive.  More expensive than London.  Far more expensive than London.  Twice as expensive as London.  Which makes it 3 or 4 times more expensive than New Zealand.  Not sure how much of my bar tab the company will pick up – but certainly not all of it.

Anyway – that’s enough whinging about my free trip to a foreign country staying in a nice hotel.  Back to work.