21 Nov – well, this bit is still in Quito. Woken up by David John Smith. Telling me there’s a game of football on. As if I care. But, I kind of do – as it’s an excuse for heading to Finn McCool’s a little earlier. So, I pack my bags. Pay my bills. Am serious about leaving tonight (tomorrow morning 5am). Get into my best suit, and head to Finn’s. Run into Dave at a cafe on the way. He reckons Finn’s is closed – but there’s no padlocks on the bottom half of the door. That means somebody is there. So, I go, and wake up Lee. I enter the pub, to discover Lee looking like a heroin addict; and a table covered with a box of cereal, a jug of milk, and a used bowl. Breakfast at the office then, I guess. People start arriving, and then we watch Ingerlund get beaten by Croatia. I’m nearly the only person in the bar cheering Croatia. Ingerlund now doesn’t even qualify for the European something-or-rather. Ha! Score one for the good guys, and negative one for our colonial oppressors. By this stage, I’ve started drinking wine. I continue drinking wine. Upload some photos too, by the way. At some stage, Ursula locks her keys in the cellar. After some efforts at breaking in peacefully, it is decided to let me do what I’d been hoping for. I get to shoulder-barge the door in. Second attempt – BANG. Door flies open. Lock is completely ruined, but the keys are recovered. Another thing checked off my list-of-things-to-do-before-I-die. Then, it gets to closing time. A few teary-eyed hugs goodbye, but with me reassuring everybody I’ll be back. Not sure if Lee will want me back after he discovers the state of his cellar door.
22 Nov – so, about 4am or so, I’m back at the hostel. People in the lounge – want beer, but the chap won’t sell it to them. My last act before leaving – using my influence to buy some beers. Then, the people in the lounge decide they don’t want them. So, I have to leave them there, without getting any money for them. Dumb. Head to bus station. Discover two irish chaps I know from Finn’s – heading the same way as myself. Bus, as expected, is very late. I sleep on the bus station floor. Then, I sleep on the bus. Forgot to get my passport out of my bag – so have to go into the luggage compartment when stopped by the army for the second time. Attempt at eating some lunch at Tulcan – the Ecuadorian border town. Not too successful. A little hungover, it seems. Then, cross the border with the irish chaps. Get to Ipiales, the Colombian border town. Buses to where they want to go, and where I want to go, would be arriving about midnight. Not a good idea. We decide to stay the night in Ipiales. Find a hotel across the street from the bus station (not the same as the one I stayed in last time – as it was closed). And I sleep some more. A lot more. Sleep until it’s too late to find food anywhere. So have peach juice and cerveza for dinner.
23 Nov – Eat something. After a long time. Then catch a bus to Popayan. Bus takes longer than expected – so I arrive at night time. Not cool. But, no problems. Decide to take the easy option – and just catch a taxi – giving the address of a hostel in the guide book. Get a dorm bed, then go find dinner. Then, a small local pub. Meet some locals. I drink beer, while they drink the local spirit. A cross between cachaca and sambuca. Sounds pleasant, no? Then, I’m added to the rounds of this local spirit. While still using beer as a chaser. Everybody gets drunk. I get drunk. Then, I return to the hostel. Have a vague memory of talking to somebody when I got in. But, when I awoke this morning – and apologised for waking somebody up and talking to them – it turns out I had been talking to somebody who wasn’t there. It seems I hallucinated a person, and had an entire conversation with them. Presumably giving everybody else in the room some extreme fear. When I woke for the second time this morning, there wasn’t a single person left in the dormitory. It was full last night. I think I may stick to solo cerveza tonight. I certainly didn’t take any drugs last night (knowingly, at least – possible drink spike?) – and any alcohol which causes me to have conversations with imaginary people… I’m staying away from. Sometimes.
Anyway – that’s how I escaped Quito. Despite needing to return there – as the sneaky bar staff stole my favourite tie. And my Ecuador hat. Next stop – San Agustin. Then – north. Back to the Caribbean.
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