Well – I didn´t make it to Paraguay. Not the day after last update, anyway. Tried. Didn´t succeed. Will tell the story while listening to Ace Of Base.
05 July
Got up – sent a package home. Some very very small souvenirs home. A lucky few will get tiny souvenirs from my trips. As small as they were, it was still a relief to get them out of the backpack. Anyway – spent ages getting the postage thing sorted. Cost me twice as much in postage as the value of the contents. Had one last (I thought) brasilian churrascaria for lunch. Then – convinced a very drunk man that I didn´t want him to give me a ride across the border, and that the bus was fine. Took a long time. Then – caught the bus. Bus went to the border, and kept going. We got on the bridge between Brasil & Paraguay, and I realised that this was another border where migration formalities aren´t so formal. Got off the bus in Paraguay, walked back past Paraguay migration, across the bridge – and ´checked out´of Brasil. Back across bridge to Paraguay migration. Remembered, well – was reminded, that I need a visa. Walked back, and re-entered Brasil. According to my passport – for the fifth time.
So – back to Foz Do Iguacu. Back to the hostel – where there was a pair of scandinavian girls giving each other back-rubs. Ignored this. Chose a different bed, and then walked up and down the street which was supposed to contain the Paraguayan consulate. Didn´t see anything. Was evening by now, so bought some dodgy DVDs off the street, and some beer, and returned to hostel.
06 July – asked hostel owner where the consulate was, and actually took notice of the number of the address in the guide book. Her thoughts and the guide book matched. Reality did not. Asked dairy owner (who didn´t even flinch at my portuguese/spanish – sweet) – and he reckoned two blocks up, then two blocks to the right. Not too sure how much to trust a brasilian with numbers – but he turned out to be nearly spot-on. Girl at consulate gave me list of requirements. Involving photocopies of tickets into and out of Paraguay. Tried to convince her that seeing as I could, and would, walk across a bridge there – I didn´t have or need tickets. Wasn´t convinced. So – found photocopy place, copied my credit card, and two copies of the ´ticket´stub given to me by bus driver yesterday. Quite pleased with my cheek, I was. But – girl was not. Tried to convince me to go buy a prepaid taxi chit from down the road, and when I hesitated for a while (just trying to confirm exactly what I needed), called somebody with a bit more initiative. Who must have told her to chill out, and it was all good. Then – waited for an hour or so, chatting to another consulate worker about the All Blacks. And was then asked for US$50. Had to be US$. The seppos have got a lot to answer for. So – left, went back to hostel, and got my backup funds which are US$. Back to consulate. Person who can stamp the visa to make it official is at lunch. For two hours. So I go to lunch. Expensive seafood restaurant. Order white wine and alligator stew. Out of alligator, they reckon. Dumb – I was looking forward to that. Have boring crab stew instead. Eventually, back to consulate, and get my passport with visa. After a long day, I buy more dodgy DVDs, a bottle of wine, and some beers. Spend evening utilising them, and chatting to the scandinavian girls (turn out to be danish), and a norwegian couple.
07 July – walk to bus station, and have a beer at street side stall. Catch a bus, and this time get off before Brasil migration. Get stamped out, and walk across bridge. This time, Paraguay lets me in. But, my visa – for which I had asked two weeks – seems to be ten days. Oh well – it doesn´t sound like there´s much to do here anyway. Except for enjoying the lack of tourists – due to lack of stuff to do. To the point where, apparently, when I head north to Bolivia – my ´mere presence will arouse suspicion´from the military. Sweet.
But – back from the future. Ciudad Del Este… walked up from the border bridge, past continuous dodgy electronic stalls. ´The Supermarket Of South America´, they reckon it´s called. And seeing the huge lines of people on the Brasilian side waiting to go through customs with larg bags full of electronics, blankets, and everything else – yeah. But, I´ve left my consumerism behind – so strolled past, stopping briefly to change my Reais into Guaranis off an old man sitting on the sidewalk. Then – kept walking, until I found a small cafe/bar. Stopped for a beer, and to check the guidebook, and figure out what I was actually going to do. Discovered I´d been walking away from accommodation, and towards the bus station. Using my normal method of decision making – I figured I might as well continue on this path. So – kept walking, past a park with a statue of some Chinese president, as well as a chinese junk make of concrete in a dry pond. Probably just as well the pond was dry, I guess. Also, next to this park, a sports ground. With a scrum machine. And rugby posts. I´m sure the young kids loitering there weren´t too sure as to why I would take a photo of an empty sportsfield. Continued on, and found bus station, and took first hawkers offer of a bus to Asuncion. I got a seat number (not the seat next to remarkably attractive girl which I originally took, (by the way – I took the seat before she was there) but another). Then, after bus was full, people kept getting on board. About a dozen people standing in the aisle for most of the 5 hour trip. I think Paraguay is going to be a nice gentle introduction to such things before getting to Ecuador & Peru. Got to Asuncion in the middle of a thunderstorm. Paid the money for a taxi to a pousada, and then went out for food and beer. Bad food, adequate beer.
08 July – Woken by more thunder. Went for a walk… Asuncion supposed to be fairly nice just because of the parks and trees and such. First park I find is filled with makeshift tents. Protest or homeless, I´m not sure. Walk on to Plaza Indepencia. Home of the Pantheon de Los Heroes. A monument towards heroes. Outside – sure, nice. Inside – pretty cool. Big churchy bit, bit of a shame, but a pit in the middle with the coffins and urns of several Paraguayan historical figures – as well as two ´Unknown Soldiers´ – one a child I believe. Also, heaps of plaques. Either for or from heaps of people/groups. Including the Lions Club of Leblon, Rio de Janeiro. And the President of Taiwan. Odd. I happened to see the changing of the guard, which was rather simple and to the point. Also – being a Sunday – they then held a church service inside. I didn´t stick around. However, being a Sunday, there was absolutely nothing else to do. Everything closed. These south americans still cling to that quaint old thing ´family values´- especially on Sundays. Still raining rather heavily, so I found an open bar with red wine. Then, checked out the Governers Mansion. Apparently, at some point, the law was that anybody caught looking at it would be ´shot in the act´. So I was a little worried when a soldier started yelling at me – but he just wanted me to get off the big bit of grass out the front.
Oh – and did I mention that the flag of Paraguay is slightly different on each side? The only such national flag IN THE WORLD! Also, by some reports, Paraguay is supposed to be the cheapest country IN THE WORLD! And now, back across the road to one of the few bars open in town, to see if I´m too late to watch the end of Paraguay getting thrashed by Mexico. If I ever lower myself enough to buy a soccer shirt – it´s going to be Paraguay. I had actually decided on the bus to get one, then figured that rugby seems to be more popular here than I thought, and maybe I´ll spend tomorrow trying to get a Paraguayan national rugby team shirt.
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