Hi all,
Well – my next bit of writing was going to be in response to the well-educated chap who took offence at my little discussion of snakes. But – that will have to wait.
I’m not sure why it took me so long to figure this out – but I finally did about 2 minutes ago…
My little sister is trying to raise some cash. And the cash isn’t for a car, or a holiday, or any of that – but for an even better cause. But before the money – she herself is donating a helluva lot of hair. Sounds odd, yeah? But when you read about it – it is pretty damned awesome. See, my sister has got this ridiculous amount of hair – down to her knees. So – she’s gonna chop it all off – and donate the hair to some group who use it to make wigs for people who need them. But not rich old men who wear hairpieces – rather people who have serious conditions resulting in hairloss. I get the impression that the emphasis is on children too – which is pretty sweet.
So – my sister is making a pretty big sacrifice – you gotta think that chopping off 9 years worth of hair growth is a pretty big thing. So – the least we can do is donate a little money, yeah? That’s what she figured too – so she’s got a website set up where you can do just that. So – this place Freedom Wigs get’s her hair, and we can all sponsor her to do this – and that money goes to Cure Kids. I’m always a little sceptical of charities – especially ones based on religion – but both of these sound cool. So do it. Give money to my little sister.
Here’s a nice little website to do it at. And, once again, I can’t believe I didn’t think of doing this sooner. Apologies to all the children for my getting dumber as I get older.
And as an additional incentive – I will match any donations made due to reading this. So – try to bankrupt me… I dare ya.