Japan – Weeks #7,8

Fujinomiya – two nights booked to maximise chances of getting a really good view of Fuji-san. On arrival, found a craft beer place, made friends.
Next day – perfect weather, perfect view of that rather legendary mountain. Visited the Museum/Centre dedicated to it, learned some stuff. Considered getting a bus into the country-side, for some more scenic photos with waterfalls/landscape-in-front/Fuji-in-back. But decided to instead have lunch at a craft beer brewery. Then drink some wine on the roof of my hotel, with a view of the mountain. Then return to the craft beer place of last night, and make some more friends.

Tokorozawa – needed to consult Google Maps to remember this place. Photos suggest I drank a few sakes with lethally-toxic Fugu-fin in it.

And then, a return to Yokohama, where things got messy. I did some very cursory tourism, so that the description of my 4 days there wouldn’t just be “craft beer”. Some maritime musuem (learned stuff), and chinatown. And a lot of craft beer.

Kamakura – a short side-trip to visit the Giant Buddha there.

Escaped to Shibuya, and then discovered that it is a famous night-spot. And I was spending Friday/Saturday night there. Great. Drank some craft beer.

Finally, had one last stay in Ueno,Tokyo – and did some final token tourism. National Museum, Natural/Science Museum – learned some stuff. And on the final day – Tokyo Skytree (634 metres high… visitors can go as high as the 450m mark. I did. I didn’t like it.), and the Sumida Aquarium in the neighbouring complex. The aquarium was quite cool – very well/stylishly laid out and decorated… but some fish/seals/penguins in tanks I’d imagine are rather too small for their comfort. Very impressive jellyfish room.

And – that was Japan.
If North Korea was awesomely insane, and therefore insanely awesome..
Japan was beautifully crazy, and crazily beautiful.
Or something like that.

Fujinomiya temple
Giant Buddha
Tokyo SkyTree – tall
Tokyo – from on high

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