Month: April 2014

Spring… ?

Haven’t updated much for a while, but then – haven’t done much for a while.

Just the 1 gig – Wye Oak… good, as always.  Although – just off the plane, it seems – and rather sick.  So – slightly shortened set, and obvious a “practice run” of new material, in a small venue, before their proper tour in June/July.  But I’m glad I went.  And the support act – Sylvan Esso… very good.  Terrible sound in this clip, but… a name I’ll definitely be watching out for.  Album out in about a month, hopefully.

The Adventurer – think I managed to get out in the countryside once in the last 6 weeks or so?  Got myself a new jacket though, for summer…. hoping on wearing that in over the next few weekends.

Bad day of work yesterday – so went online, did some “retail therapy”, as I believe the crazies call it.  Got myself a sweet sweet flight – Heathrow->Auckland.  Return, sadly – but, it’ll do for now.  So yeah, landing in Auckland on Sunday 31st May.  Flying out again on 29th June.  In between those dates, a flight to Rarotonga on the 7th.  No return flight for that yet, but will be there at least 1 week.  Probably not much more, as I think I might also be buying a bike.  So – hopefully that pans out, and I’ll be looking for excuses to travel far and wide around the countryside – and visiting people is a good excuse like that.  Although this will be a shorter visit overall, due to the Raro thing in the middle… who knows, hopefully I’ll even make it to Wellington this time?

Oh, and yeah – the subject.  Spring is here, maybe?  I think there was a sunny day last week.  And it’s not dark when I leave the office anymore.  And the temperature is in double digits… nearly throughout the day.  So – as soon as the sun does make an appearance, I’ll be off on a plane to winter.