Month: December 2012


I guess I’d better recap my last gigs of the year.  Well – it’s either that, or get ready for the international flight I should be on in a few hours.

Rufus Wainwright – gay.  Not in a derogatory way.  Just… gay.  Possibly – no, definitely – the most “camp” gig I’ve ever been to.  Opened by Leonard Cohen’s son.  Who, as chips off the old block go – as you can probably guess by the fact you’ve never heard of him – a very small chip.  But apparently also has a sister, who has a child with Rufus (quote: “… and none of us can figure how that happened!” …cue laughter).  None of which I knew beforehand – and couldn’t figure out how much of this banter was serious.

Glasvegas – went along with a workmate who had tickets.  And yeah, it was Glasvegas.  Solid standard rock gig.

Martha Wainwright – much better than her brother.  Allusions to family much more muted, but still there.  The Wainwrights – syndicated drama series – or so they’d like to think.

Beth Orton – at Union Chapel… a brilliant combo.  Good gig, very good.  Charming crowd banter, that voice, in that venue.  Cool.

Wye Oak – gave a spare ticket to random guy outside the venue.  He didn’t even buy me a drink… said he would, then didn’t.  Which maybe put me in bad mood, as I didn’t really enjoy the gig as much as I did the previous time I saw them.  Or maybe the venue was just a little too big for the show?  Although Scala – not exactly a big venue.  Or maybe I was just too tired.  But – good gig, just not up to my very very high expectations after last time I saw them.  But watching a youtube clip just now – I should have enjoyed it more.

And two gigs got cancelled on me – Felice Brothers & Cat Power.  Was looking forward to both very much.  But, hopefully next year.  And that leaves my gig count for the year on 69, I think.  Far too many, and I am going on a gig diet in 2013… try to get my bank balance to rebound.