Well, I managed to escape Inja, back to Ingerlund. Which is good, as I was getting thoroughly sick of Inja. And it turns out quite well – because I expect to be getting rather sick of London within two weeks – at which point I return to India. So – if I can keep doing this, with smaller and smaller gaps between each change, I’ll live a happy contented life.
The rest of my time in India was much the same as the first week or two. Much work, followed by much drinking, interspersed with very small amounts of food/sleep. Although, I had most of the final weekend off. Well – half of Saturday, and most of Sunday. So – finally took advantage of the hotel pool, and the sun. And of course champagne brunch. (Your favourite seat sir? – reminds me that most Sundays have actually been spent at champagne brunch – although usually with my laptop open on the table, and working between the all-you-can-eat/drink lobster, champagne, etc).
The most exciting part of the trip was when one of the managers was chatting with me at the bar, and it came up that I was from New Zealand. Oh – we had a salesman here last week with some beers from New Zealand. I think we still have the samples. And so the barman opens up the secret black fridge, and pulls out the first bottle he can find. Monteiths Original. I think my face must have given something away, because they gave me the beer. Far far too cold – but once I let it warm up a little (very very testing on my patience) – it was the best beer I’ve had in a long long time. About a week later, I brought it up again – to see what else they had hidden in their secret black fridge. The salesman was certainly from DB, as he produced DB Draught, Export Gold, Tui, and maybe something else. I start to realise I was very very lucky that the first one he produced the first night was Monteiths. I can’t really see DB Draught or Tui being sold in a 4-star hotel. I should have put some more pressure on the managers to start stocking Monteiths – as my next trip I’m sure I could have gone through one shipment. And made future generations of kiwis visiting Gurgaon very very happy.
But – back to London now. Via Business class. Upgrade, thank you very much. Delhi airport is rather interesting. Or not at all interesting – is probably more accurate. One ‘lounge’ which I got access to because of my upgrade. Not the normal Business Class lounge. And not what I’d really call a lounge. One duty-free store. A smoking room. And I think I saw a couple of stalls selling trinkets.
But – that’s all for now. Have got lots of work to do – so hopefully the next trip will go a lot more smoothly with the work to be!– Web Stats — iframe src= width=1 height=1 frameborder=0/iframe !– End Web Stats — done, and I can actually get one or two days off to go see stuff.
Oh – and the day I left, the news channels were full of the upcoming heatwave. Considering the heat while I was there, I’m very very much hoping that this heatwave is short.
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