So, there was an influx of those dirty kiwis and aussies into our fair city. Typical hooligans, they just fly in, get all boozed up, and then head onto Europe. There should be a law against it.
Yes – last weekend was marked by a sudden rise in people to socialise with. Won’t go into naming them all, because if I forget somebody, there’ll be tears and what-not. But, there were drinks involved. Barbeque at Caro’n’Dom’s place on Sunday. Which was more drinking than eating, and had a rather good turn-out. Reminded me of parties of old. Including a bit of aggro. Some chap was being a little silly about things, and when I was trying to calm him down, and prevent any nastiness – he said something remarkable to me. I didn’t really listen to him at the time, as I was just ignoring all the offensive things he was saying, and concentrating on keeping him calm. But the guy who he was originally arguing with, once this chap had left – turned to me and asked “Do you guys know each other?” I replied – “No, not really.” “Because I assumed that you must have some kind of nasty history, with what he said to you. And I was amazed you didn’t hit him.” And then I thought about it, and realised he was right. What this guy had said to me was the kind of thing that you use to wind somebody up so much that there has to be a fight. But it was from a guy that I don’t think I’ve ever met before. But, he obviously knows me, or knows of me in any case – for him to have come up with what he did. (And NO – it wasn’t anything to do with the size of any part of me. He doesn’t know me THAT well.)
So then I starting thinking more and more about it, and as I did – I started to get pretty angry. But – seeing as I’m a nice guy, I went outside and drank some more and refused to tell anybody what was actually said. It kind of sounds like it’s something embarassing to me – but it wasn’t that sort of thing. I just figure that people should judge this guy from their own experiences of him. Which is also why I’m not mentioning names. And, I’ve done/said some pretty silly things while under the influence. Nothing that purposely and pointedly offensive (yeah – THAT bad) – but still.
So – that actually turns out to be a pretty boring story without any of the juicy details, doesn’t it? Ha – suffer fools. I certainly did the next day. Eventually got a taxi back to Chook’s at about 3 or 4am, and slept on the couch. Then – went back to Caro’n’Dom’s the next day – figuring I’d be just in time to miss the clean-up, but maybe in time for some delicious left-overs. And as I’d taken some awesome stuff from the Farmer’s Market near my place – I was looking forward to some cheese, marinated garlic, etc. But – by the time I got there, I was very much regretting my decision. Certainly wasn’t up to eating much. So instead watched a ‘quirky’ movie, and then slunk off home.
And then work for a week. Drinks on Tuesday evening with some more visitors to these shores. And then another weekend – this time with no invitations for fun OR merriment. Until Sunday, when yum cha was proposed. And accepted. So – yum cha in Chinatown with Mel’n’Nicky-O, Mel’s cousin, a Canadian, & Caro’n’Dom. Far too much delicious yum cha. Followed by beers. At which peking duck was mentioned – so back to Chinatown for far too much Beijing Kaoyo and hotpot. And then home. But, I wasn’t finished yet – dropped off at the local seedy pub. And had the barmaid loudly state that her horoscope had said she’d meet the love of her life today. It seemed that the timing and volume was specifically targetted at myself – so I hurriedly had a couple of pints and then ran off home to hide.
And that’s about it. Except I have been told I made a mistake when I did that job down in Portsmouth – which has left egg on the face of me, my boss, my company, and the company I was pretending to work for. So – I’ll wait until I know the consequences of that before telling the world whether or not I’m responsible.
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